Friday, 17 May 2013



200 grammes of sugar
500 grammes of flour
50 grammes of anisette
100 grammes of sunflower oil
3 eggs
An envelope of leavening
A pinch of salt


First, we stirn the eggs on a bowl, we pour the suggar and we continue stirning. Then we pour the oil and we continue mixing the ingredients. After we pour the anisette and we add a pinch of salt. We continue stirning. Following we add the leavening and mix all. After that, we must add the flour, little by little (if you need more, you can add some extra flour), and mix it until we get a dough.

When we have got the the dough, we have to do the shape of the doughnut.

Then, we have to fry them.

If you want, you can put near a bowl with kitchen paper to absorb the oil grease.

After that, batter the doughnuts in sugar, and then YOU'LL CAN ENJOY YOUR DOUGHNUTS!!

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